Serve at Saddleback
Spend a few hours at Saddleback and you’ll hear a lot of talk about ministry. What exactly does that word mean? And why does everyone keep talking about it? In simple terms, it’s the concept of serving others. One of the foundations of the Christian faith is living to serve and care for others. And at Saddleback, we like to say that “every member is a minister.“ That means that you can be a part of serving others in the church and in the city.
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." - Ephesians 2:10

Worship Arts
​The Worship Arts Ministry at Saddleback is a diverse community of artists committed to using the ministries of music and singing to create experiences where all people are inspired to worship God.

Tech Arts
This Team supports all the behind-the-scenes aspects of each service from the song lyrics on the screen to the sermon to stage management. No technical skills? We can train you on everything you need to know!

Welcome Team
​This team warmly welcomes everyone to services at various places on campus. We answer questions and help people get connected. We go the extra mile for our guests, and we love to smile!

Coffee Bar Team
Hospitality fosters fellowship by supporting the weekend services and special events by providing a warm inviting atmosphere. Each weekend this team sets-up, prepares, and serves our guests food and coffee.

Translation Team
Our Translation Ministry provides simultaneous translations in German and Spanish at our Worship services. There are also opportunities to serve with document and group study translations

Set Up and Tear Down
This team handles the equipment and supplies before and after the weekend services. It’s a behind the scenes activity that bears much fruit as guests are allowed to feel at home in a place prepared just for them.

​What is going on in our church? We make it visible! This team makes pictures of the weekend services and special events. These pictures can be used for social media, our website as well as our bulletins and flyers.

​The Saddleback Kid’s Ministry is designed for children from infant to the age of 12. Whether you like holding a baby, telling Bible stories, playing with elementary aged children, singing, even setting up or tearing down children’s furniture, or helping with crafts, games, and translation, there is a place for you!

Youth Ministry (SYM)
​SYM is a ministry to help students/youth become exposed to, experience, and express Christ, His Kingdom, and the biblical purposes of His church. We currently offer a youth small group and a monthly All Play event where we have a fun time hanging out and playing games.

Small Groups
Small Groups are the heart of Saddleback Church. They are the source of our church’s health and growth, and our vision is to see every person who attends our church connected into a small group. What do we need for that? People who are willing to open their homes, offer hospitality and start a video

Women's Ministry
This ministry helps women explore, become empowered, and engage in Christ and the biblical purposes of the church. They regularly organize events and annual retreats.

Men’s Ministry
Our men’s ministry helps men awaken to the call of Christ, accelerate towards God’s purposes, and apply his truth to everyday life. Our aim is to connect men to God and others, with a result of life on mission towards God’s purposes. This ministry is in development.

Local P.E.A.C.E.
We are ordinary people, empowered by God, making a difference together, wherever we are. This ministry provides the opportunity to demonstrate God’s love through a variety of outreach opportunities. This ministry is in development.

Prayer Ministry
Prayer is essential for our individual spiritual growth and encouraging others by praying for their needs. This team serves in our Prayer Corner on Sundays, receives prayer requests during the week and organizes various prayer events.

S.H.A.P.E Guides
These guides meet one-on-one with church members who have taken CLASS 301 in order to assist them in discovering their unique SHAPE for ministry. Must be a member of Saddleback.

This ministry guides and helps individuals discover Christ-centered answers to a wide range of personal, relational, or other challenges (e.g., Marriage, Career, Finances, Spiritual maturity).

Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, Bible-based recovery program designed to help people address a variety of hurts, hang-ups and habits. This ministry is currently in development.

Visual Arts
Do you love to show the gospel through the creative language of arts? This is the ministry for you! This team prepares art projects, e.g. on special services like Easter and Christmas, that offer a new perspective on the gospel.

Marketing & Communication
This team wants to connect with our community and promote various activities and events through various communication channels, such as social media, newsletters, and our website.

Office & Administration
This team helps in the Saddleback Office with all kinds of tasks (e.g. help prepare our Sunday services, Classes and special events).